
Yoga For People lets people ‘share yoga’

SALT LAKE CITY — One man’s dream to give yoga to the people brought many together this weekend. Cars lined either side of the street leading up to the Salt Lake City Krishna Center, 965 E. 3370 South, Sunday evening. Inside, yogis wrapped up their classes on the second day of the Great Salt Lake Yoga Fest. The festival continues Monday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Santosh Maknikar runs the non-profit Yoga For People which brings classes to homeless shelters, mental institutions, prisons and other populations that may not have the opportunity otherwise. They also offer free classes in local studios so everyone can experience the practice. Maknikar organized the 4th annual festival, another effort to bring yoga to the population at large. The cost is $35 for a day or $70 for the weekend, a fraction of the cost of other festivals. Those from at-risk populations can qualify for a discounted rate during the festival. Events include workshops, seminars, music and food. “It’s just a great opportunity to meet teachers from all over the country, if not the world,” said Paula Oakey, who has been attending the festival since its inception. “It’s truly coming from the heart. It’s not about making money, it’s about sharing yoga.”

Read more here – http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865609983/Salt-Lake-festival-lets-people-share-yoga.html