
Unfilled Yoga Sandbag

Discover how adding weight to your practice can help you deepen your pose.

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Yoga sandbags add weight to your poses, literally. A yoga sandbag on the top of your thighs in Reclined Hero’s Pose releases back muscles while a sandbag on the grounded leg in Reclining Leg Stretch makes your stretch more dynamic. Use a sandbag under the balls of your feet in Mountain Pose for a hamstring stretch or under the buttocks for a lift in seated poses. Each bag is made of high-quality packcloth with an inner coating that prevents dust and sand from escaping through the fabric. A sturdy handle makes it convenient to position and carry.

  • Zippered cover
  • Fill to desired weight with Silica Sand
  • Made with heavy-duty packing material
  • Sturdy handle

Made in the USA.