
About Us

Welcome to Yoga For People

Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. In recent years, yoga has become a popular form of exercise taught in many studios throughout the world. In the process of its popularity, yoga has become expensive and inaccessible to many of us. We at Yoga for People want to make the practice of yoga and education about yoga available to everyone especially for those who really need it.

Mission & Vision

Making yoga accessible to everyone. Yoga For People will go to locations where people may not have regular access to a yoga practice, such as homeless shelters, mental institutions, hospitals, schools, prisons, and more. We will also offer free classes in local studios so that everyone may experience the healing power of yoga, no matter what their financial situation. Vision – Work with volunteers, teachers and yoga studios to offer free yoga classes to maximum people around the world in coming years.

Have you experienced the benefits of yoga? Would you like to help make the world a better place through Yoga? Get Involved